Design Services

Architectural Services:

Development & Finance Solutions can also provide our clients with a wide range of Architectural Services including new build homes, extensions or conversions.

Working within Glasgow and the central belt, our team of qualified and experienced Architectural Technologists cover all aspects of design, from initial sketch design through to detailed planning and building regulation drawings. 

As well as our Architectural Services, we can help in obtaining the finance required to complete your project. If you are considering taking advantage of the current low interest rates, our financial contacts can provide exclusive rates not available by going direct to the High Street Banks.

Thinking of starting a self build, extension or refurbishment project? please contact us to arrange an initial consultation.

Permitted Development:

You don’t need to apply for planning permission if the extension meets certain criteria, this is called permitted development.

The rules for permitted development depend on how many storeys your extension will have.

It’s always best to check with the local authority that permitted development rights have not been removed. 

Outline Criteria for Single Storey Extensions:

You don’t need planning permission if it’s:

  • located at the back of the house.
  • doesn’t go back further than 3 metres if it’s a terraced house, or 4 metres if it isn’t.
  • the height of the eaves (where the wall meets the roof) is no higher than 3 metres.
  • is not higher than 4 metres, including sloping roofs.
  • doesn’t take up half the curtilage – the grounds behind your home.
  • not within a conservation area.

Outline Criteria for Multi Storey Extensions:

You don’t need planning permission if it’s:

  • located at the back of the house.
  • there’s at least 10 metres between the extension and the boundaries of your grounds.
  • not higher than your house (excluding chimneys).
  • doesn’t take up half the curtilage – the grounds behind your home.
  • isn’t within a conservation area.

If the local authority is satisfied that your proposal meets the permitted development standards, then no planning application is required.

If planning is not required, you may wish to obtain a certificate of lawful development from the local authority, after the completion of the work.

This will certify that you built within the constraints of permitted development.

Certificate of Lawfulness:

A certificate of lawfulness has several benefits:

  • it is a planning determination with legal status.
  • gives certainty to the landowner/developers and anyone who might buy the land/buildings.
  • can help in the sale of a house, showing that an extension, for example, is lawful.
Planning Applications:

Once the planning application has been made, the planning authority will decide whether to grant planning permission. Local councils aim to decide within 2 months for local developments and 4 months for major developments.

Building Warrant:

A Building Warrant is the legal permission needed to start building works.  In assessing your application, the local authority will apply the standards set by the Building (Scotland) Act 2003.  These are the minimum requirements that must be met by anyone planning to construct, alter or change the use of a building.

Local authorities aim to respond within 20 days of submission. The time taken to assess an application is dependent upon the complexity of the project and the quality of information submitted. 

You will be advised in writing if further information is required.

Once approved, Building Warrants are valid for 3 years.


Architectural Services